Good Morning!


I am sharing a podcast with you today, that I think is truly profound.


The podcast is from Freakonomics – many of you may be familiar. I’m not an avid listener of theirs but when I do listen, I always walk away having learned something pertinent.


But the episode I’m sharing today… I walked away with 50 pertinent lessons!


Okay. 50 may be a little hyperbolic, but – you get the idea.


This episode features Ellen Langer, who is a psychologist at Harvard. She specifically studies the mind-body connection and via her fascinating research, answers the question – “Can we really improve our physical health by changing our mind?”


You all know one of my favorite quotes – “Where the mind is, the body will follow.”

I am a big believer in the power of our mind – due to my own personal experience, what I’ve witnessed among my clients and through research.

My father raised me with the saying, “If you shift your perspective, you can shift your reality.” Our minds are so, incredibly powerful.


This episode will motivate you to harness that power for your good!

It is WELL worth the hour of your time and attention. I think you’ll want to take notes!


Enjoy your Sunday!

Say something kind to you and decide how you want to show up for yourself and those around you this week.


