Good Morning!


I hope you’re having a peaceful Sunday (or whenever it is you’re reading this).


I’ve shared MANY articles with you. Research, opinions, testimonies. I think today’s article might be the most important one.


You all know that so much of the work I do is not only teaching people how to nourish themselves but helping people feel better in their bodies.


One of the societal norms I push against most is the idea that we can control our bodies. And while I am here for discipline, goal setting, intentions, making things happen that we want to happen – I believe there has to be a balance between the goals we set and room for checking in with our body to ask what it might need and want, as often times those needs and wants are different from our goals.


And this can create a lot of grief.


Let me offer some examples:


You want to lose 20lbs, but your body always plateau’s at the same number.


I want to race Half Ironman distance triathlons competitively, but doing so means I’m sick multiple times per year and have a very under-active thyroid.


You want to fit in your Size 2 jeans, but in order to do so you have to eat such a small amount of calories that you’re causing yourself to be malnourished and immune function to diminish – so you’re “skinny” but you easily get sick.


…you see where I’m headed, right?

We set goals that are wonderful! No issue with goal setting. But these goals sometimes require us to force our bodies into submission because our body is screaming at us (per my examples above) that this is not what’s best for it.


The article I am sharing today is from Psyche. It’s titled: “You Are Your Body. Here’s How to Feel More at Home in It”. It’s a 5-7 mins read.


Below is my favorite quote from the article, which sums up my reason for sharing with you and my hope of what you’ll walk away with:


‘Fine, you win. I’m ready to listen to what you need, not just what I want.’


I do hope you will read the article to discover this quote in context.

Whether you do read it or not – take a moment to reflect on the idea of embodiment – not just moving through life from one goal to the next and going mindless in between – but rather, from a place of real presence and being in your body.


This is something I’ve worked very hard on as I’ve healed from the eating disorder.

Do I still set goals? Yes!

Do I create intentions around how I will nourish my body and move every week? Absolutely.

But if my body’s needs don’t align with my intentions or goals, I honor my body first and my goals second.

And I’ve gotta tell you – I have never been more at peace with my body. And while I know all of our journey’s look very different, I so very much want the same for you.


I said up front that this is perhaps the most important concept I’ve ever shared with you – I feel this way because what I’ve found is: being at peace in my own body has created peace in the rest of my life. End of the day, we get one body and it truly is our home. Protect it fiercely. Care for it deeply. And listen to it – it will not steer you wrong.


Sending the biggest, tightest hug to each of you!


