Good Morning!
It’s been a while, but we’ve discussed the inflammatory impact of using processed, industrial oils, like soybean, canola, sunflower, vegetable and peanut oils.
Unfortunately, unless you’re shopping exclusively at Whole Foods (and sometimes you run into it there too) – it is much easier to consume these than it is anti-inflammatory oils like extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, grass fed butter, ghee butter, avocado oil…
What’s infuriating (for me anyway) is we have too little evidence to deem the industrialized oils as universally safe in the quantities we now consume them. Yet, the FDA just keeps on approving.
Now we have ZeroAcre Farms Cultured Oil. I’ve gone through a couple of bottles now and really like it. It’s an oil made via fermentation and loaded with over 90% healthy monounsaturated fats that can withstand high cooking temperatures.
As a reminder: we can use all of the anti-inflammatory oils, but if we’re cooking with them at high temps, we’re actually making them toxic and therefore not doing ourselves any favors.
You can use my Seasonings and Oils cheatsheet as a refresher on what oils to use when and at what temps.
Back to Zero Acres – it has a neutral flavor, which makes it a great choice for any cooking needs because you won’t get a robust flavor from it. And! It has a ten times smaller environmental footprint than seed oils. That’s fun, right!?
Check them out. Add them to your pantry.
You can purchase here.
As always, no kickbacks here if you choose to buy. Just sharing the good info!
Take GOOD care of yourself this week!