Good Morning!


Last week we talked about apple cider vinegar. This week, let’s talk about another ingredient I use daily – avocado oil.


I’m sharing an article (5-7 min read – with a fun graphic 😊) from

the Washington Post – it’s a freebie – no paywall:

Why your avocado oil may be fake and contain other cheap oils


Makes you go, “uh oh”, right?

Unfortunately this is true for olive oil as well.


You’ve all been here long enough to know how strongly I feel about processed seed oils like canola, soybean, safflower, peanut and vegetable oils and how they can have a significant inflammatory affect when eaten on a consistent basis.


Per the article, it seems that certain grocery chains are labeling jars of avocado oil as 100% avocado oil in spite of “filling” them with a certain percentage of cheaper seed oils like canola, safflower, etc. Yikes! You think you’re buying one thing, when really 😳

So what do we do about it?


Well, stay informed. The article calls out which stores // brands are doing this – so avoid those. It also shares what brands are staying true to their standards and values – buy those.


I would also make an educated guess that the same brands apply to olive oil as well.


And no matter what you do – always buy oils in dark, glass or stainless steel jars.



When buying coconut oil – you’ll almost always see it in clear jars – that’s okay – just be sure it’s in a clear GLASS jar. Again – NO PLASTIC.

And side note on coconut oil – you want to be sure it is very white – if it has a yellow hue to it – put it back.


I digress… Here’s a link to the article again if you missed it above.


As always – my door is open for questions!

Take good care of you 💙


