Best Probiotics for Antibiotic Use

Best Probiotics for Antibiotic Use

Good Morning! I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend! For the majority of my nutrition practice, I have coached clients to stop taking probiotics during antibiotic treatment and once finished with antibiotic treatment, take double the dose of probiotics for...
Best Probiotics for Antibiotic Use

How Eating Out Impacts Body Fat Percentage

Hi! If you’ve worked with me for any amount of time, you’ve heard me say – be intentional about what you bring into your home. I feel this way about many things (cosmetics, skin care, hair care, cleaning products, the energy of other people), but we’ll keep it...
Best Probiotics for Antibiotic Use

How Self Compassion Improves Weight Loss Outcomes

oooo… I am EXCITED about today’s article! Hi there! I hope your morning is off to a wonderful start! I am sharing research today that demonstrates how self-compassion improves weight-loss efforts. I’ve been saying this for YEARS. You can scroll through any of my...
Best Probiotics for Antibiotic Use

Why Mobility Work Needs to be a Priority

Well hello… Happy Sunday! Jumping right to it – I am sharing an article from The Guardian about mobility. In a previous email I shared with you that mobility work – stretching, yoga, anything that creates “opening” and “lengthening” in the body is part of...